Best Cities Charter

We show how one might answer a question for which there is no objectively right answer. Which are the best cities in the world?

We seek the help of others for none of us are intimately familiar with all the cities of the world. We welcome ratings of cities we know and new cities we have yet to consider. As a demonstration project we are more interested in how the decisions are made than the accuracy of any particular decision. Enjoy the journey.

In order to provide good workflow advice to others with multidimensional rating projects we maintain within this site a pattern language describing the idealized process we used for rating cities. We welcome contributions to these patterns also.

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Federated collaborators should create their own site devoted to this collaboration. Consider a subdomain named 'best'. Be sure to complete the who and what on the welcome page. Email me to be included in the roster.

Once registered, authors have only to rate or re-rate cities on our list of Best Cities or add new cities with or without rating them.

Tip: fork the City Rating Template for a rating form.

Pattern authors can revise existing patterns or link new patterns into the workflow.