We rate cities around the world and then roll up the ratings into a single file. Mostly this is an experiment to use the new multi-dimensional features of the FiveStar plugin.
We will keep notes as we develop this pilot application. We start with a workspace.
We hope others will use the FiveStar plugin as we have here. We will further document our workflow to that end.
Our work here builds on Mike Caulfield's vision for Movie Night, a collaborative index and recommendation system unaligned with any particular movie provider.
Mike's brother Ben built the FiveStar plugin we use here. Jon Richter encouraged me to resurrect the plugin on behalf of Silke Helfrich and David Bollier writing Commoning patterns.
Paul Rodwell asked if we wanted to continue bundling old data visualizations from our first year in our standard download. I almost said no, but that gave me a lot of motivation to put them to new work.